Trip to Arkansas

Every summer Mr. and Mrs. Murrel White drove to Marmaduke Arkansas. We loved the trip, the excitement of seeing all our cousins and Aunts and Uncles, and most of all Grandma and Grandpa. I can still remember seeing the porch swing on Grandma's porch, and her in her cotton dress and apron, welcoming us to her home. The smell of Arkansas is something I will never forget, earthy, warm and full of life. We slept in the living room, I remember waiting to hear the whistle of the train beyond the cornfields every morning, then I knew for sure where I was. My memory is waiting for cousins to arrive and playing at the school playground. We played there for hours and hours! We chased the magical lightening bugs that we only saw in Arkansas. I remember having Yoo Hoo and Dr. Pepper , for some reason they didn't make it north for many more years. My favorite memory is taking turns sitting on top of the ice cream machine, while Grandpa cranked it, who knew icecream could be made that way?
Love, Connie