Let me introduce you to a fixture of my generation.

This is Tom, Raymonds cat. He was the brother to our cat, Spot. Dad neutered them when they were kittens. For 18 and 23 years respectively, Spot and Tom was flailed by a brooms, had shoes thrown at them and mistreated in general trying to run them out of the house. Aunt Velma after Tom, and Mother after Spot. Even so they continued piling dead rats and mice on our door step. Even a rabbit occaisionly. They were before your time, I was born in March in 1930, they were born in May. Spot died when I was 18 years old in 1948. Tom died 5 years later in 1953 at 23 years of age. I never knew any other cat until I left home. I think because Tom lived 5 years longer than Spot he did not have 6 kids abusing him. Murrel and Wayne would catch Spot and get him in the dark and briskly rub his back. The static electricity would make him glow in the dark. He would howl and carry on something fierce,,,,,,,unkle "Paul"